Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Can workplace conflict ever be healthy?

It is all too common for project professionals to find themselves caught up in the crossfire of conflict, acting as mediators. Refereeing between team members with strong ideas can be exhausting, and there are certainly times when we could do without it. But, can conflict actually be beneficial?We’re...

Monday, 27 June 2022

Zira, The Dutch Hospital Reference Architecture, A Tool To Address A Worldwide Need

A Standard Frame of Reference for HospitalsThe purpose of this blog is to introduce one such Dutch healthcare innovation—known as ZiRA—to a broad audience of English-speaking architects. In Dutch, a hospital is a “Ziekenhuis,” thus ZiRA means a “hospital reference architecture (RA).” Specifically, it is a set of...

Friday, 24 June 2022

3 ways that Agile processes can streamline programme management

Executing even one project successfully can be a challenge, so when it comes to handling entire programmes of projects, it is imperative we use all the tools available to us in order to succeed. We must arm ourselves with all the required resources, a skilled and committed team...

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Planning to Take the TOGAF 9 Certification? Here Are the Best Tips

A TOGAF 9 certification is a feather in the cap for any IT professional and may help them improve their career prospects.The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a framework that provides enterprises with a high-level approach to designing, planning, implementing, and maintaining their IT architecture. It was...

Friday, 10 June 2022

Project Manager vs. Scrum Master – How the Job Roles Differ

Scrum Master and Project Manager have become the latest buzzwords in the current era. For young professionals/individuals who have recently stepped into the IT industry, the job roles of Scrum Master and Project Manager seems quite similar. Both these roles are similar in their contribution to the completion...

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Roles and Responsibilities of a Project Manager in the Finance Industry

The finance domain is considered as an essential aspect of project management as every project needs to be meticulously planned considering budget constraints. Thus, the project manager should possess necessary budgeting skills, which allow them to assign a cost to various areas of the project.The finance related organization...

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

How does a 4 day work-week affect productivity?

There has been an increased demand for 4 day work-weeks amongst employees. The pandemic has caused a rethink, and along with hybrid and remote working, working less hours is topping the wishlist for many professionals – it is apparent we are still striving for that elusive work-life balance!Here...

Monday, 6 June 2022

The IT4IT™ Standard Streamlines Plug-and-Play Adoption of Business Tools

Imagine a technology implementation strategy that works harmoniously for both you as the customer and your suppliers. Whether you’re an Enterprise Architect, Digital Practitioner, Sponsor, or Vendor, it’s not as impossible as it seems when you’re utilizing the IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, a standard of The Open Group and...

Friday, 3 June 2022

The IT4IT™ Reference Architecture is a Digital Product Blueprint for Cost Savings and Automation

How many failed and de-railed technology solution implementations has your company been through? It’s past time to reevaluate your digital transformation strategy. Become the hero of your business by implementing a standardized operational backbone that saves money, automates processes, and reduces the waste and friction in your current...

Thursday, 2 June 2022

A Complete Overview of What is ITIL Certification?

IT services and service providers are the heart of any company, big or small. Without them, it is not possible to run a company in this digital world where everything and everyone is connected. Managing these IT services is a daunting task considering the scale of implementation and...

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