Wednesday 30 November 2022

Risk Analysis Definition – Understanding the Fundamentals of Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis, IT Security and Governance, Risk Management, Risk Management Career

All businesses have a requirement to fulfill, and their business processes, applications, projects, and more, always come with certain risks that they need to ascertain and take care of. This means that regardless of an employee’s job role within a company, they will face a task that involves risk. There are two main elements of risk. The first one is the risk in itself, and the second element is the impact of the risk. The agenda of this post is to clearly explain the risk analysis definition and how to evaluate risks associated with a project.

Finding out the risks in a business and properly handling risks to avoid their consequences is crucial to a company’s success. Failing to do so can affect the organization’s revenue, and operations, and can even lead to failures in projects. A recent survey conducted showed that 92% of organizations agreed that one of the most important factors that lead to a successful enterprise is information about risk. A proper understanding of what risks are is crucial to managing them successfully. 

Let us begin this post by understanding exactly the meaning of risk to an enterprise.

What is Risk?

A risk to an enterprise can be any form of threat that can hinder a company’s growth. It can lead to a negative impact on the enterprise’s revenue and can impact the success of their projects. Any cause of delay in delivery of projects or an issue with the quality of the project that leads to it not meeting its original target and goal can be considered to be a risk to the business.

There can be various reasons for risks occurring in a project. They are always not necessarily internal issues and can be external factors as well. Not being able to successfully account for any external factors is also considered to be a risk. Some factors that can cause risks in a company are:

◉ Increase in competition
◉ Changes in regulations
◉ Increase in price of material
◉ Additions to government laws and guidelines

Next in this post let us look at the risk analysis definition.

Risk Analysis Definition

The process involved with the identification and management of any uncertainties or risks that could impact business goals or financial goals is known as risk analysis. A successful risk analysis starts with the accurate identification of risks and threats that an organization or a project could face. The next step is identifying the severity of these threats and the likelihood of them occurring.

Risk analysis requires many factors to be taken into consideration. These are often complex, which is why organizations tend to employ various applications to streamline and identify all risks. These factors include, but are not limited to the following:

◉ Financial data of the company 
◉ Plans for all ongoing and future projects
◉ Various security protocols implemented in the organization
◉ Forecasts of the market and future trends

Risk analysis is crucial in avoiding future losses to the enterprise. The planning tool can help companies save a lot of time and resources that would have been spent otherwise in dealing with the fallout if the risks materialize, and it could also have a negative impact on the company’s reputation in the market.

Importance of Risk Analysis

Risk analysis is extremely beneficial to organizations because it helps protect the company against any unprecedented losses and helps maintain the organization’s image in the market. Some of the reasons why risk analysis is considered to be a really important aspect of running any organization are listed below:

◉ Risk analysis helps prevent any potential losses to the company’s finances: Before implementing any strategy or starting a new process, conducting a thorough risk analysis is ideal. It is a big investment, but it is worth the expense. A risk analysis can help businesses prevent future losses by identifying potentially harmful situations beforehand so the company can take measures to prevent them

◉ A risk analysis safeguard’s an organization’s security as well: Security breaches that can impact the information and data of an organization are another risk that can be avoided by conducting a risk analysis. Possible threats to the security of an organization can be predicted with a risk analysis and there can be measures implemented to prevent the same

◉ Risk analysis can help increase the company’s profits: Risk analysis is more than just prevention. A benefit of conducting a risk analysis is that it can help companies increase their profits. Risk analysis does two things for an organization’s finances – protects them from unexpected threats and events and also increases the profits by strengthening the projects and improving the overall decision-making process

◉ Organizations can spot trends and improve their processes: Risk analysis helps with risk prevention as a whole. This means that with a complete risk analysis, organizations can spot any upcoming changes and trends in the future and create or alter processes to adapt to them

◉ Risk analysis helps plan for success: Risk analysis is extremely important in ensuring the success of projects in an organization, which ultimately leads to the company’s success. By delivering projects on time and with measures to safeguard against risks, organizations can guarantee their success over time. This improves the reputation of the company which adds to its success in the future

Now I will explain how you can efficiently evaluate project risk.

How to Evaluate Project Risk?

Evaluating project risks are important and need to be checked right from the planning stages of the project. To evaluate what risks are present in a project, a risk assessment needs to be conducted. There are various steps involved in the same:

◉ The first step is to identify potential risks to the project. Risks identified in previous projects can be used as a reference as well
◉ The second step is to understand the likelihood of these risks manifesting during the project lifecycle. The listed risks need to then be prioritized as high, medium, or low probability of occurrence
◉ The third step which will help assess every risk and prioritize it is to determine the level of its impact in case the risk materializes

Let us now understand the difference between Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment & Risk Management.

Risk Analysis vs Risk Assessment vs Risk Management

Risk Management

Risk management involves the following aspects of risk:

◉ Identification of risk
◉ Risk analysis
◉ Evaluation of risk
◉ Prioritization of risk
◉ Strategies to manage risk

Organizations normally invest in enterprise-wide risk management solutions to help them gather information about possible risks to the entire organization as a whole and not just in projects.

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment involves the following aspects of risk:

◉ Determining potential risks
◉ The probability of the risks taking place
◉ Impact of the risks
◉ Tolerance of the organization towards the risk

Risk assessment is a crucial part of risk management and normally involves various processes to accurately identify the risks and assess them.

Risk Analysis

Risk analysis involves the following aspects of risk:

◉ Significance of the risks
◉ Quantified value of the risk

Risk analysis helps with risk assessment and in a broader sense, risk management.

Risk analysis and risk assessment are both important parts of the risk management process and can help in avoiding or mitigating any risk to a project or the organization as a whole.

Final Thoughts

Risk analysis helps determine the success of a project and helps improve the overall project’s structure and strategy of completion. The most accurate way of conducting a successful risk analysis of any project is through the help of a risk management platform. There are various tools available to organizations that help with the same.


Monday 28 November 2022

What Is The Difference Between Vulnerability Scanning And Penetration Testing?

Vulnerability Scanning, Penetration Testing, Process Career, Process Skills, Process Jobs, Process Tutorial and Materials

A report from 2018 found that there were 75 records stolen by hackers per second. This high rate of breaches to any organization’s security is considered to be a big threat to their operations and success. Another study from 2018 found that over 88% of enterprises in the United States had more than a hundred thousand folders open to the public out of every million folders. This easy access to their information makes it very easy for a hacker to breach their firewall and other security because the protection in place is sub-par, to say the least.

Companies have become more aware of the importance of protecting their online resources and information from hackers in the last two years and have invested in vulnerability scanning and penetration testing to protect themselves from further breaches by black hat hackers. This article on vulnerability scanning vs penetration testing discusses what they are and their main differences.

What Is Vulnerability Scanning?

Organizations participate in vulnerability scanning and undergo the process to find all the parts of their network web applications that can be exploited or breached by hackers. It is used to scan for all weaknesses in the systems of a company. The systems include all equipment used in communication, their networks as well as their web applications and computers. 

A vulnerability scan can be conducted internally by the IT department of the organization or the company can choose to work with a third-party provider specializing in web security to perform the scan. 

How does a Vulnerability Scan Work?

The vulnerability scanner scans for all the vulnerabilities that exist in any application or server. The software first checks for all information about the gaps in security in various applications or services and looks for different paths that hackers can use to exploit the organization’s existing programs. It is run on the possible attack surface, and the scan then tries to exploit each path and vulnerability that has been found.

There are two ways in which a vulnerability scan can be conducted. There are authenticated and unauthenticated scans that can be run by the testers. Authenticated scans are done by logging into the network as a user and looking for vulnerabilities from the user’s end. It focuses on finding vulnerabilities in case the hacker gains access as a user. The unauthenticated approach is used to find vulnerabilities in case the hacker gains access to the network as an intruder.

What Is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing or ethical hacking is conducted as a process in which security professionals try to exploit the vulnerabilities in a system, network, or server. It is a simulated attack on a company’s server to expose all vulnerabilities that are easy to exploit. It is a way to measure an organization’s level of security and can be used as a means to improve it. 

Penetration testing should ideally be performed by white hat hackers or cybersecurity professionals who do not have much knowledge of the security measures in place at an organization. Third-party contractors or professionals are usually hired to perform pen-testing activities so that they can find the flaws that exist in the organization’s security measures and improve upon them.

There are many types of penetration testing done by ethical hackers, such as:
◉ Open box penetration testing
◉ Closed box penetration testing
◉ Internal penetration testing
◉ External penetration testing
◉ Covert penetration testing

What Is The Penetration Testing Process?

Ethical hackers first gather all the information they can to plan their attack, after which the hacker tries to gain access to the company’s servers and systems and maintain it with different ethical hacking tools available in the market. There is multiple software available to assist ethical hackers that can simulate attacks or employ phishing methods to gain access. Once the hacker has access to the company’s system, they then remove any hardware that has been used to cover their tracks and avoid detection.

Once the penetration testing is complete, the white hat hacker informs the organization of the vulnerabilities that he/she has detected and gives suggestions on how the company can upgrade its security.

Vulnerability Scanning vs Penetration Testing

More often than not, organizations that do not have much knowledge of security systems and protection end up confusing vulnerability scanning and penetration testing to be the same. They do not engage in performing both but instead choose to go with just one. Even though both penetration tests and vulnerability scans are related to each other, they are not the same in any way. There are both important parts of cybersecurity and should be conducted hand-in-hand to protect the assets of the company.

When it comes to vulnerability scanning, its biggest role is to identify all existing and potential vulnerabilities to an organization’s security. This can include finding loopholes in the company’s firewall, servers, networks, applications, and routers. The scope of a vulnerability scan ends with identification itself. It can find all the vulnerabilities in an organization but cannot identify the ways in which these vulnerabilities can be exploited.

This is where penetration testing comes in. It uses all the identified vulnerabilities that were found in the vulnerability scan and creates simulated cyber attacks on the organization’s servers, applications, firewalls, and more. Ethical hackers attempt to attack each and every vulnerability that has been detected to generate reports on how exposed the organization is to different types of risk.

Both vulnerability scans and penetration tests are focused on three main factors:

◉ The scope of the risks and threats to the cybersecurity of an organization
◉ The cost and time for the scans or tests
◉ And how important each vulnerability or risk is to every asset of the company

Penetration testing is mainly conducted annually by employing third-party professionals who have the knowledge and expertise to expertly hack into an organization’s systems and servers and help the company employ measures to safeguard against them. Vulnerability scans are usually conducted more regularly and can be performed internally by the company’s IT department itself.

Final Thoughts

Vulnerability scanning and penetration testing are two sides of the same coin. Both are extremely important to companies because they help organizations find potential threats to their cybersecurity strategies and ways in which they can safeguard against them. They are crucial in reducing and eliminating risks to their cybersecurity, which is why only trained professionals should be in charge of conducting them.


Wednesday 23 November 2022

Why Are Professional Online Courses Becoming More Popular?

Professional, Online Exam, Online Prep, Online Job

Online courses have grown tremendously in recent years in a world powered by digital transformation. Fortunately, the technological advancements over the last few years have upended the world we know. As a result, the Global Consumer Sentiment survey stated that 78% of professionals believe the adoption of online training will grow more in the coming years. 

As the world concentrates more on upskilling their skills, many experts have left their jobs at alarming rates. So, a survey by Amazon India reports that about 51% of job seekers want to change industries and move to new ones they don’t necessarily have much experience with.

Moving to a new stream with no prior experience can be immensely challenging because you are expected to possess certain skills. But, some are also looking to stay relevant, upskill and grow in their fields. This is where professional online courses come in!

Top 8 Reasons to Join Professional Online Courses

There are many advantages to taking professional courses online. First, everyone can learn something new from these online courses, whether they want to turn their hobby into a job or move up in their job because they have better skills. Also, these courses are affordable and can be taken by anyone, regardless of age or location.

Online courses can help professionals do their job better. Now, let us list some other benefits of professional online courses

1. Helps in Upskilling

Professional online courses provide the technical skills you need on the job. New skills may include using new software suites, performing in-depth research online, and communicating effectively online in various formats.

The below figure depicts how upskilling can benefit you:

Professional, Online Exam, Online Prep, Online Job
Source: Subtotal

The above image shows that upskilling is necessary for your professional journey. That is why these abilities are often sought after by job-seekers. As more and more positions require employees to work remotely.

2. Prepares the Way for a New Profession

If you have been in the same role for a long time, you can’t let that happen! It means your career isn’t growing; It’s dying.

To make yourself an indispensable employee, you must keep up with industry trends. In addition, you must constantly make an effort of the skills you need to do your job exceptionally well. 

Worldwide, many employers will foot the bill for their workers to complete professional training or certification programs if they can demonstrate how doing so will improve productivity and profitability.

It’s not simple to make a name for oneself in a different sector after making a professional shift. One of the first main steps a person must take is assessing adequate professional skills. This is when any professional can determine what skills they have that are transferable to the new industry and what skills they’re lacking.

Moreover, additional professional online courses will help you increase your pay scale if you are a working person or a student, and it will help boost your resume. 

Even if someone has completed a professional online course or earned a certification, that doesn’t mean they’re ready to work in a trending domain. But it does improve the job prospects of working professionals.

If you’ve recently been let go from your job and are at a loss as to what to do next professionally, you can look into most of our training courses that could help you land good job opportunities. 

3. Expand Your Networking Opportunities

Another advantage of an online learning boot camp is that you have an option to interact with people from across the world and from many other backgrounds. In addition, once you earn a certification, you can join a group of certified and skilled experts. This is the right way to grow your professional network.

Your interaction with your peers is highly beneficial because their presence and views will aid in your learning and help you make the entire journey even more enriching. This can be an invaluable peer resource group when seeking answers to problems or sharing the solutions to your challenging scenarios. This group of certified professionals can also advise you on how to improve your career or where you can find specific technical information.

4. Improves Self-Esteem

Certifications from an online course make way for a better interview. This is because recruiters are interested in how you can add value to their work. In addition, the right certifications will make you noticed and recruiters curious about what made you take the certificate program and the knowledge you gained from the course.

Experts will likely be encouraged to invest in someone they can have greater confidence in doing business with. 

5. Salary Negotiation

Professional online courses can help experts like you learn new skills. In addition, earning a certification directly influences one’s capacity to earn a better salary or package. These extra abilities and knowledge give you a boost in terms of performance reviews and salary negotiations. You can now stand out by proving yourself to be better than your peers. 

Professional, Online Exam, Online Prep, Online Job

The statistics mentioned in the above figure is the proof of the fact on how attending professional courses can improve your salary negotiation.

6. Earn Credibility in Emerging Technologies

When businesses run at full capacity, you will have more chances to advance your career. This just means that if you have skills in demand, you might be able to move up to a leadership position sooner.

Earning a certification through an online course on a new operating system, software, platform, or methodology will showcase that you have achieved what few have done up to that point: So, become certified in trending technology.

7. Add a Resume Justification

Recruiters use interviews to gauge the value you can add to their company, and it’s important to set yourself apart from the other applicants. Not every day an interviewer sees an online course or program on a resume. Adding relevant online coursework can help you stand out. It’s unique and invites conversation, so be prepared to answer questions.

Enrolling in an online professional course, in and of itself, is impressive. It also demonstrates personal drive and discipline, intellectual maturity, curiosity, and a strong willingness to learn, all of which are important to aspiring professionals.

It’s often difficult for interviewers who have these qualities, but it’s what they’re trying to do. They want to see that you’re willing to go the extra mile because that indicates passion and value.


Monday 21 November 2022

How To Prepare a Project Scope on a Tight Budget?

Project Scope, Project Career, Project Skills, Project Tutorial and Materials, Project Job, Project Preparation

Every project manager desires flawless project execution devoid of delays and cost overruns. But the truth is far different. Have you ever failed to complete a project owing to budgetary issues? Tight budgets frequently result in constraints, including less room for scope growth, limited resources, and the inability to extend the project schedule.

A project budget establishes the financial parameters for cost management. Learn how to create a project’s scope on a tight budget. Every endeavor incurs expenses. The larger and more complicated a project is, the more time and money it requires to complete. Due to the fact that no organization has unlimited resources, every project requires a budget.

The difficulty, though, is that it is only sometimes effortless to determine how much money a project will require. If you underestimate what is necessary, you will be short on personnel and unable to execute the job on time. On the other hand, if projections are excessively high, the entire project may be abandoned. So how do you choose the appropriate project scope for project management? First, let’s examine the procedure in detail. But before that, let us discuss what a Project Scope is.

What is Project Scope?

The project scope includes the requirements to achieve project goals and objectives and prevent scope creep. Project scope is a method for setting project limits and defining what objectives, dates, and deliverables will be pursued. Effective scope management involves strong communication. It ensures that all team members comprehend the project’s scope and agree on the precise means by which its objectives will be achieved. 

As part of scope management, the team leader should request permissions and signatures from stakeholders as the project progresses to ensure that the final product fits everyone’s requirements. By defining the scope of your project, you can ensure that your goals and objectives are met without delay or extra effort.

Defining the scope of your project is more than just a one-person job. Rather, you should align with key project stakeholders and ensure everyone agrees. For instance, if you’re working on a product marketing launch, you’ll want to ensure that you’re aligned with appropriate corporate teams, such as the product, design, and content teams. Depending on your project’s complication, you may also need to establish a change management procedure.

What is a Project Scope Statement?

A project management strategy is essential for ensuring that teams execute their task on schedule and according to specifications. Before project managers can design a detailed strategy, a project team can execute that plan. First, however, everyone must understand what work must be completed and why it is essential.

It is when the statement of project scope comes into play. A project scope statement explains the tasks that must be completed to complete a project on itinerary and within budget constraints. In addition, if you’re working with an external agency or team, you can convert your project scope statement into (SOW), a statement of work to formalize your agreement with your vendor.

The Benefits of a Project Scope Statement 

According to the Project Management Institute, an effective project scope statement possesses several essential criteria. First, it ought to: 

◉ Define the project’s boundaries
◉ Define the business need and anticipated project outcome
◉ Identify restrictions that limit the possibilities available to a project team when building a solution
◉ Include assumptions regarding decisions beyond the control of the project team
◉ Determine which business processes are affected by the project
◉ Determine which internal and external entities the project team will interact with

The project scope statement attempts to eliminate ambiguity by outlining the scope and ensuring that all key stakeholders are on board with the project and thoroughly understand it. So, if you have a strong procedure, there will be fewer requests for modifications. If you can accomplish this, your chances of success significantly increase.

As with all project management papers, the project scope statement may have a similar format across projects. But it should also be adaptable based on the project’s size, scope, and complexity. These variables will also influence the types of stakeholders who must be involved in the development and reception of the project scope statement.

Tips to Prepare Project Scope on a Tight Budget

Project Scope, Project Career, Project Skills, Project Tutorial and Materials, Project Job, Project Preparation

Explain MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

When you know that a client has a limited budget, establish the project’s scope at the beginning so that the client and team are aligned on expectations and have a thorough understanding of what must be delivered. It means that the project team and stakeholders devote sufficient time to understand the product’s requirements and demands comprehensively. To effectively manage project deliverables within the budget and timeframe specified, the first step is to ensure those project requirements are appropriately recognized, recorded, and agreed upon with client stakeholders.

Define the Key Objectives of the Project

Once project managers have an understanding of the organization’s goals; they must identify the project’s precise objectives. The objectives should specify why the project is being undertaken, what will be accomplished, when it will be accomplished, and how much it will cost. In other words, the objectives describe and justify why executives selected and funded a certain initiative. Objectives should be formulated in accordance with SMART goal-setting principles, i.e., they should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.


SMART gives a framework for establishing goals and objectives. They monitor task execution and, as a result, increase team efficiency.

What are these SMART objectives that have the ability to alleviate so many planning problems? SMART goals for this purpose are comprised of the following criteria:

Project Scope, Project Career, Project Skills, Project Tutorial and Materials, Project Job, Project Preparation

◉ Specific – the objective is clearly stated
◉ Measurable – metrics exist or can be created to establish when the objective has been met
◉ Attainable – the team agrees the objective is realistic
◉ Relevant – the purpose fits the organization’s strategic plan and holds up the project charter
◉ Time-based – a date or time for achieving the objective is stated. Objectives without target dates are merely dreams.

Open Communication

As the project manager, it is their responsibility to ensure that both the team and the client know and agree with all project choices. Creating a Gantt chart and identifying milestones can assist bring internal and external teams into sync. Additionally, regular agile team meetings and stakeholder/client meetings will be essential for maintaining open lines of communication and keeping everyone informed. 

Project managers must give weekly executive reports containing this information to ensure that client stakeholders know the project’s status, key updates, risks or roadblocks, mitigation plans, and future events/meetings.

Identify Major Deliverables

Project managers should associate with key stakeholders to create a list of the deliverables after the project. These things can be stated at a high level in the project scope statement. For instance, a new market evaluation report or a new software feature — but they should still be concrete and measurable objectives. The precise actions connected with a particular deliverable will be outlined in a work detail structure document. One approach to recall the difference is that deliverables are typically nouns and adjectives, whereas work details are verbs.

Creative Resource Allocation

One of the biggest barriers to a project with a tight budget is that set requirements cannot be assigned even if the project requires additional resources to expedite the timeframe for project deliverables. As a result, when deadlines are tight and the scope appears less attainable, the existing team must work longer hours to fulfill the dates. As a competent project manager, you want to prevent your team from becoming overworked and exhausted. 

To avoid this problem, you can be resourceful when assigning team members to the project. For example, you can ask for the content and product designer’s deliverables. When that is conducted, they are allocated at 50% capacity or removed from the project. In addition, it freed up some funds to allocate a test engineer at 50% capacity to the team to expedite the testing process. 

To make adequate use of the project budget, it is essential that project managers regularly examine the number of people working on the project and forecast the allocation requirements as frequently as feasible.

Build Your Budget

Once you have exhausted the list of required project resources, you may proceed. You’ll have your estimations. Don’t forget to add an emergency fund to your budget. For instance, all line items relating to training, such as printing expenditures for training materials, should be grouped together in a training bucket.

As part of developing your budget, you should document any underlying assumptions. It is essential because, after a project begins, some assumptions may hold while others do not, resulting in variance between actual project costs and the budget.

By documenting the assumptions, it will become clear why the budget did not match reality.

Include a timeline if the budget spans a substantial amount of time — often more than a month. It enables recurring expenses to be identified in the budget. In addition, it helps you anticipate when certain fees will arise.

Finally, discuss the budget with other team members to receive comments. The second pair of eyes can spot missing goods and verify the accuracy of numbers by reviewing the budget. It also helps you avoid budgeting errors prior to approval requests.

Avoid Scope Creeps

Scope creep, according to the PMBOK Guide, is the uncontrolled increase of a project’s scope without corresponding modifications to time, cost, or resources. Nearly fifty percent of projects undergo scope creep, only 57 percent are completed within budget, and 51 percent are completed on time.

Moreover, almost all projects experience scope creep at some point, and under favorable conditions, it is sometimes simple to rein in scope creep. 

However, with a constrained budget, there is no room for scope expansion. Therefore, it is extremely important that the project scope is constantly under control and that neither the project team nor the client asks for more features, functions, or requirements. The project manager can prevent scope creep by continuously evaluating the MVP, the agreed-upon feature list, and the Gantt Chart with the client and the team.


Friday 18 November 2022

PMI-ACP Certification Is Worth Your Time & Energy

Earning the PMI-ACP certification and becoming PMI Agile Certified Practitioner empowers you with Agile knowledge and boosts your career to new heights. We will be discussing some of the career benefits in this blog.

Overview of PMI-ACP Certification:

PMI-ACP, or the Agile Certified Practitioner, is a 180-minute long exam that recognizes an aspirant's skills regarding agile principles and his skills with the agile method. The PMI-ACP certification proves that Agile knowledge runs deep within you and would help you prove your credibility to potential employers.

Agilists made PMI-ACP certification for agilists to perform their work better. Various surveys proved that organizations that are knowledgeable with agile, and responsive to market dynamics are more capable of achieving their goals within the given time.

Can You Take the PMI-ACP Exam?

You can take the PMI-ACP certification exam if you are part of an agile team or your organization uses agile practices. You can successfully prove your skills and practical knowledge with PMI-ACP certification by being part of a project team.

PMI-ACP Exam Detail:

The PMI-ACP certification exam is 120 questions long, and you will face multiple-choice questions to get your PMI Agile Certified Practitioner certification. To maintain his PMI-ACP, the aspirant must obtain 30 professional development units in agile topics every three years.

The Aspirant Must Possess the Following Qualities to Become PMI-ACP Certified:

  • Get a Secondary degree.
  • Earn your 21 contact hours of training in agile practices.
  • Have one year of general project experience within the last five years of taking the PMI-ACP exam.
  • Eight months of agile project experience within the last three years.

Is the PMI-ACP Certification Worth Your Time & Energy?

Every aspirant must improve their skills to beat other candidates in the work field, and PMI-ACP certification proves to be beneficial in improving their skills.

Everyone is looking for a secure job, and project management jobs are becoming immensely popular due to their high level of job security. Many aspirants are losing their jobs to AI; therefore, job security is vital these days. Project Management is a field that helps you become eligible for jobs in any field. Moreover, it offers stability and security.

Why Is PMI-ACP Certification Advantageous As A Career?

With the PMI-ACP certification, you are not restricted to any single field. Any project management certification makes you eligible to get a job in any field. Pharmaceuticals and many industries need a Project Manager; thus, the PMI-ACP certification gives you flexibility.

The most beneficial thing about a Project Management job is you will be drawing a higher Salary too. Getting the MBA certification is a choice for aspirants to improve their Project Management skills, but modern certifications work far better to boost Project Managers. PMI ACP certification is growing as the best certification for project managers and can offer you multiple opportunities.

Here Are the Advantages Of PMI ACP Certification:

The basic advantage of becoming PMI-ACP certified is growing up your efficiency. Preparing for the PMI-ACP certification will make you efficient enough to deliver projects on time. Project Management Institute offers the PMI-ACP certification and makes you accustomed to the basics of project management.

Prove Your Skills with Ease:

PMI ACP certification will help you benefit over others. The PMI-ACP certification on your resume proves your skills to the employer. As a result, it helps you stand out from other candidates. However, one must learn all the agile principles for better practical experience. Employment won't be an issue as there is high demand for Project Managers. 

Agile Is Popular Across the Globe:

Agile is used everywhere nowadays. From small organizations to bigger MNCs, everyone benefits from agile practices. Organizations must be flexible to sustain themselves in the competitive world. Flexibility means you are open to changes. 

The flexibility of Agile makes it a more popular choice for employers and organizations, and the growing popularity creates the job field open to many aspirants.

Demand for Agile Professionals Is High:

The changing market demands are making the most for Agile professionals. Most companies use agile practices, so there is a growing demand for agile practitioners. You don't need to prove your Agile skills when you are certified.

As PMI-ACP certified, you would be able to find jobs with ease. Through your skills, you can offer cost-effective projects on time.

Monitor Multiple Things At A Time:

You can focus only on one thing at a time with traditional methods. On the other hand, with Agile, you can monitor several things at a time. It helps in better project management.

In agile practices, the aspirant breaks down the project into several fragments. Breaking up helps in getting a better assessment of the project. You can improve the success rates of projects within a shorter span.

Strong Resume:

When you are facing job interviews, your resume should be presentable and strong enough to earn you a call for face-to-face interviews. The PMI-ACP sets your way to get noticed and beat your competitors.

Learn the Latest Project Management Methods:

You can improve your skills with the PMI ACP certification. The certification helps you learn the latest project management methods. You should be skilled enough to cope with the market standards.

With the PMI-ACP certification knowledge and the latest management skills, you will survive in the rapidly changing market and prove your points easily.

Earn Validation for Your Skills:

With the PMI-ACP certification will, your skills become relevant. You get the needed validation and trust of employers with the PMI-ACP certification. As your skills are appreciated, you will get many scopes to put your points during business meetings and decision-making.

Bottom Line:

Earning a better salary and skills is the main motto of getting certified. The average annual salary with PMI-ACP is quite high, which helps you to have a stable life. You will also have continuous promotions that will automatically raise your salary. Therefore, study hard and earn the PMI-ACP certification

CAPM vs. PMP: Choose the Best One for You?

CAPM, PMP Career, PMP Skills, PMP Jobs, PMP Prep, PMP Preparation

Project management is one of the world’s fastest-growing professions. Project management is a lucrative career choice, with the average project manager salary exceeding $75,000 per year, according to Glassdoor. Furthermore, it can lead to exciting and engaging work in various industries. So it’s no surprise that many aspiring project managers seek project management certification to advance their careers.

Assume you are considering your project management certification options. In that case, the Project Management Professional Certification (PMP) and the Certified Associate in Project Management Certification  (CAPM) are two popular and in-demand certification options. Both certifications are offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), and understanding the differences between them is critical in deciding and selecting the right course that fits your career goals. However, it can be challenging to identify the differences and make an informed decision when comparing the PMP versus CAPM.

In this article, let’s look at the differences and see if the CAPM or PMP is right for you.

What is PMP Certification?

The PMP certification is a globally known credential that is sought after by organizations all over the world. The certification was developed in response to a need for a more efficient method of establishing the project manager’s credibility. This certification validates a project practitioner’s ability to lead teams and direct projects in various work settings. The certification process assesses the candidate’s soft skills to effectively lead teams, their understanding of the processes and technical aspects involved, and understanding of the business and organizational strategy associated with projects.

What is CAPM Certification?

The Certified Associate Project Management (CAPM) credential is an entry-level qualification. Earning a CAPM certifies that you are familiar with the fundamental concepts, terminology, and processes of effective project management. It is intended for those with no prior project management experience. However, it is an excellent starting point for any individual interested in a career in project management. CAPM candidates may also work on projects and want to formalize their project management skills. Project coordinator, team leader, project contributor, or business analyst are all possible roles.

The certification is also a good choice for second or third-year university students or recent graduates. Project coordinator, meeting planner, event organizer, and project control officer are examples of entry-level positions that require this certification (PCO). The eligibility and certification processes are less demanding than those of the PMP.

Benefits of the CAPM and PMP Certifications

CAPM and PMP certifications each have their own set of advantages. So let us investigate each of them.

If you want a CAPM certification, you should know that it will increase efficiency and help you stand out in the industry. The following are a few of the advantages of the CAPM course:

◉ A renowned professional body in the industry has recognized your success
◉ Your peers and project management professionals will respect you
◉ Increased self-assurance in your abilities
◉ Progression in one’s career
◉ Possibility of earning a higher salary at work Less expensive than PMP certification

If you have decided to pursue the PMP certification, you will benefit in the following ways:

◉ Professional acknowledgment from your peers and the industry as a whole
◉ Increased knowledge and experience in the project management process
◉ Higher pay than non-certified project managers
◉ A broader range of career options
◉ increased professional accountability
◉ Greater acceptance than CAPM certification

CAPM vs. PMP Exam Requirements

PMP Exam Requirements

What are the prerequisites for taking the CAPM vs. PMP exam? If you are wondering how to get PMP certification, then you are on the right track. You must meet the following PMP certification requirements before applying to take the exam.

◉ A four-year or bachelor’s degree is required
◉ Have 36 months of experience in leading projects
◉ Earn CAPM certification by completing 35 hours of project management education or training

Alternatively, if you meet the following requirements, you can fulfill the application requirements:

◉ A high school diploma or an associate’s degree (or global equivalent) is necessary
◉ Have 60 months of experience leading projects
◉ Earn CAPM certification by completing 35 hours of project management education or training

CAPM Exam Requirements

There are some guidelines for qualifying for the CAPM certification exam because it is meant for entry-level experts with little project management experience. However, PMI requires CAPM exam applicants to meet the following requirements:

Option: 1

◉ Educational Background: Secondary diploma (high school diploma / global equivalent)
◉ Project Management Experience: 1,500 hours of professional experience in a project group

Option: 2

◉ Educational Background: Secondary diploma (high school diploma / global equivalent)
◉ Project Management Education: 23 contact hours of formal education

What to Expect? CAPM vs. PMP Exams

CAPM, PMP Career, PMP Skills, PMP Jobs, PMP Prep, PMP Preparation

Before taking any certification, every individual is worried about the exam cost, format, and timings, so read this section carefully to get a clear picture of it.

The CAPM and PMP exams are designed by PMI and administered by Pearson VUE; neither allows reference materials while taking the exam, and the exams cover some of the same topics. However, each exam has its own set of characteristics.

Parameter CAPM  PMP 
Exam Format
  • Exam Type: Multiple choice
  • Number of Questions: 150 questions per paper: 135 scored, 15 unscored
  • Exam Duration: 3 hours
  • Type: Closed book exam
  • Result: The passing score is determined by psychometric analysis
  • Exam Type: MCQs, multiple responses, matching, hotspot, etc.
  • Number of Questions: 180 questions per paper, 175 score
  • Exam Duration: 230 Minutes
  • Type: Closed book exam
  • Result: The passing score is determined by psychometric analysis
Exam Fee 
  • $225 for PMI members
  • $300 for PMI non-members 
  • $405 for PMI members
  • $555 for PMI non-members 
PDUs   35 PDUs  No PDUs provided 

The PMP exam is more difficult than the CAPM, but both are rigorous. The CAPM is a knowledge-based exam that assesses a candidate’s knowledge of project management theory and processes. The PMP certification includes the practical application of project management tools and techniques. In addition, the CAPM only covers material from the sixth edition of the PMBOK Guide, whereas the PMP tests you on knowledge beyond that.

CAPM Exam Syllabus

The CAPM assesses you on concepts covered in the sixth edition of the PMBOK Guide. The percentage of each chapter covered in the exam is shown below:

1. Introduction to Project Management: 6%
2. Project Environment: 6%
3. Role of the Project Manager: 7%
4. Project Integration: 9%
5. Project Scope: 9%
6. Project Schedule: 9%
7. Project Cost: 8%
8. Project Quality: 7%
9. Project Resource: 8%
10. Project Communication: 10%
11. Project Risk: 8%
12. Project Procurement: 4%
13. Project Stakeholder: 9%

PMP Exam Syllabus

The PMP exam covers material from the PMBOK Guide – seventh edition and additional material. The topics covered are broadly divided as follows:

1. People: 42%

Questions on managing conflict, leading a team, assisting team performance, negotiating project agreements, supporting virtual teams, and other people-related topics are included in the people section.

2. Process: 50%

The exam’s process section covers the strategies used to complete a project. This includes managing communications, assessing risks, engaging stakeholders, budgeting and scheduling, quality management, determining scope, and various other topics.

3. Business: 8%

For the business part of the exam, you’ll need to understand project planning and management, evaluate project benefits and value, address external factors that impact project scope, and support organizational change.

Salary Comparison of PMP and CAPM

To be eligible for the PMP exam, candidates must meet stringent requirements, which many employers value highly. As a result, PMP-certified professionals may be able to compete for positions with competitive pay. According to a salary survey by PMI, PMPs earn a median annual salary of $123,000 in the United States. According to PMI’s salary survey, PMPs worldwide report median annual salaries 16% higher on average than their non-PMP-certified peers. In the United States, the average salary increase is 32%. Your salary can be affected by various factors, including your level of education, experience, location, and job title.

According to Payscale, the average CAPM certification salary is around $68,000 annually. Furthermore, PMI’s salary survey shows that entry-level project managers earn relatively high salaries. In the United States, professionals with less than three years of project management experience earn a median annual salary of $78,280. Remember that your earning potential is affected by various factors, including your education level, location, company or organization size, certifications, and experience.

Exam Hints

Getting ready for the CAPM and PMP exams shouldn’t make you nervous. Here are the three ways most followed ways that you can do to prepare for success:

1. Create a Study Plan

It is best to plan to study frequently in the weeks or months leading up to the exam. Make time for work, school, socializing with friends and family, and taking care of yourself.

2. Find a Support Group

Share your goal with others so that they can assist you in staying on track. If you work full-time, ask your manager or boss if you can study during work hours. Your success benefits your employer as well!

3. Find Out More About the Exam

PMI offers excellent resources to assist you in preparing for these certification exams. Examine the CAPM vs. PMP exam content and components to understand what to expect

CAPM vs. PMP Certification

Project managers may wonder, “Why would I pursue PMP certification when CAPM certification is more accessible, affordable, and requires less time and experience?” The answer is very simple: the PMP is the world’s most important, industry-recognized project management certification.

Project management professionals work in almost every country in a variety of industries. When hiring project managers, many employers require PMP certification because PMPs have demonstrated the knowledge and skills required to lead complex projects and direct project teams. As a result, when more than one-third of their project managers are PMP-certified, organizations complete more projects on time and within budget. However, PMPs do more than add value to their organizations; according to PMI’s Earning Power Salary Survey, project managers with a PMP certification make 25% more than those without one.

While CAPM certification isn’t as widely known as PMP certification, it demonstrates knowledge of PMI’s project management framework and project management processes, which can help candidates compete for jobs with those without certification. Furthermore, CAPM-certified employees have a working knowledge of the PMBOK® Guide, which is an excellent starting point for pursuing PMP certification.


Wednesday 16 November 2022

How to Gain PMP Certification Prerequisites

PMP Certification Prerequisites, PMP Career, PMP Skill, PMP Jobs, PMP Prep, PMP Preparation, PMP Tutorial and Materials, PMP Learning, PMP Prep Exam

You would have heard about PMP certification. What are the certification prerequisites? In this article, we shall understand these concepts in detail.

What is PMP Certification?

The Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification is a globally recognized credential in project management that examines a candidate’s capability to manage a professional project’s people, business procedures, and priorities.

According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), there are over one million PMP-certified professionals worldwide. It is applicable to project managers in almost every field, including health, construction, information technology (IT), and business.

Earning the PMP certification is a cumbersome process, but it is also a crucial milestone in your career as a project manager. And it can boost your earning potential. It necessitates that you acquire and comprehend various complex topics that may reside outside your core domain of expertise.

You must fulfill PMP certification prerequisites and pass the certification exam to obtain the certification.

PMP Certification Prerequisites

The following prerequisites determine eligibility for PMP certification:

Years of Experience Leading Projects

If you have worked on many overlapping projects in a single month, only one of them could count toward your experience requirement. As long as you obtain experience in a professional atmosphere, it does not matter whether a portion of your project management job was unpaid.

Formal Project Management Education Hours

This prerequisite is satisfied by any course, workshop, or training session that teaches fundamental principles of project management and delivers an evaluation or completion certificate.

Be prepared to list the courses you have taken, the institutions you visited, the dates you attended, and the number of hours you have earned. The contact hours you have earned will have no expiration date.

We will examine the PMP education and experience requirements in the coming section of the article. Note that your PMP experience requirement will vary depending on the PMP education requirement you meet.

PMP Education Requirements-1

To apply for PMP certification and acquire PMP certification, you must have a secondary degree, such as a high school diploma or any equal level of education. In addition, if your highest level of education is secondary, you must meet the following three PMP certification prerequisites to qualify.

◉ 5 years of experience in project management
◉ 7500 hours in leading and directing projects
◉ 35 hours of project management education

The project management experience criteria for PMP certification do not involve active project management. Participation in a given project also counts toward five years of experience. However, 7500 hours of 5 years, approximately 3.5 years, must be spent leading and directing projects. Again, this does not imply that you should have signed up for a project as the project manager. A leading or directing function may involve supervising a junior team member or team member, leading a group, aiding the project manager with some project management tasks, etc.

PMP Education Requirements-2

Suppose your most attended education level is a four-year degree or higher, such as a bachelor’s or higher, master’s degree, Ph.D., etc. In such a case, you must meet the following three PMP certification prerequisites to apply for certification.

◉ Three years of project management experience
◉ 4500 hours leading and directing projects
◉ 35 hours of project management education

The project management experience criterion for PMP certification does not involve active project management. Participation in a project context also counts toward three years of experience. However, 4500 hours of 3 years, approximately 2 years, must be spent leading and directing initiatives. Again, this does not imply that you should have signed up for a project as the project manager. A leading or directing function may involve supervising a junior team member or team member, leading a group, aiding the project manager with some project management tasks, etc.

How to Meet 35 Contacts Hours as a Requirement for PMP Certification? 

You must meet one of the eligibility conditions to sit for the PMP certification examination. In addition, you must complete 35 hours of Project Management Education to meet the eligibility criterion for the PMP examination.

If you are wondering how you can complete the required 35 hours of Project Management courses. Then, you can enroll in PMP certification training to get the same result. This program also helps you prepare for the PMP test and provides expert guidance to pass the exam on the first try.

Tips to Attain Project Management Experience 

To be eligible for PMP certification, you must possess the required PMP experience. But how can one acquire sufficient experience? Depending on your educational background, you must have between 4,500 and 7,500 hours of project management and leadership experience.

The following recommendations will assist you in overcoming this obstacle:

By Switching Your Company

If you do not have the option to take on a different type of responsibility at your current employer, you should seek employment elsewhere. You may discover an opportunity to negotiate better terms and conditions than you have at your current employer. This will accelerate obtaining the required number of experience hours to meet the PMI eligibility criterion.


You can always check with your local PMI chapter for volunteer activities, which would also expose you to further perks. This will also give you more enhanced networking chances. In addition, volunteering can provide the requisite experience hours.

Full-time Project Managers 

Your load is lighter if you have a full-time job as a Project Manager or something similar that lets you lead and direct projects. If you don’t have enough hours, you can continue with what you are doing and collect the necessary experience hours.

Part-time Project Manager 

Not having enough hours to meet the experience eligibility requirements? It is considerably more difficult if you are not in a position that allows you to direct or lead projects. If you do not manage projects or only manage them part-time, you accumulate experience hours at a slower rate than a full-time project manager. 

Roles and Responsibilities of PMP-certified Professionals 

Activity Planning 

Planning is essential for fulfilling project deadlines, and inadequate planning is the cause of many failed projects. Good project managers identify the project’s scope and determine its available resources first and foremost. In addition, good project managers can make real-time estimates and assess the skills of the team.

They then construct a detailed plan for project execution and progress monitoring. Projects are entirely unpredictable. Thus effective project managers can make necessary adjustments during the project’s duration.

Time Management 

Time management is one of the primary responsibilities of a project manager, as adhering to the timetable is essential to the completion of any project. Project managers are accountable for addressing derailments and communicating effectively with team members and other stakeholders to bring the project back on course. In addition, project managers must be professionals in risk management and contingency planning to continue advancing despite hurdles.

Cost Estimation 

Good project managers understand how to maintain the project’s budget. Even if a project satisfies the client’s expectations and is completed on schedule, it will be a failure if it significantly exceeds its budget. Therefore, good project managers regularly review the budget and plan to avoid budget overruns.

Customer Satisfaction 

A project is only successful if the client is satisfied. Therefore, one of the most important roles of every project manager is to minimize ambiguity, eliminate unwelcome surprises, and involve their clients as much as possible in the project. In addition, good project managers are adept at maintaining excellent communication and keeping clients informed.

Tracking Progress and Roadblocks 

The project manager spends most of their time tracking how projects are going. After a project initiation, the project manager must assess its progress and ensure it is proceeding as planned. During the middle stages of a project, there are many ways to keep track of its progress, such as through status reports, meetings, and informal updates. If the project managers adopt a suitable management system, this responsibility will be simplified.

Create a Shared Vision 

A project manager must understand where a project is heading and comprehend the larger picture. The vision must be communicated to the entire team so that each member understands the significance of their participation in achieving the desired outcomes. The team should comprehend the workload and make every attempt to transform objectives into missions. Finally, the manager should create the proper tone to ensure an easier journey.

Handling Documentation and Reports 

When the project is completed adhering to the deadline and budget, the project manager must deliver the necessary paperwork to give the final reports to clients and highlight areas that require further growth. This is also an important aspect of a project manager’s responsibilities for project development. It serves two primary purposes:

◉ Keep track of what has been accomplished and who has participated in the project
◉ To guarantee that the project meets all project requirements

The project managers enable your team to develop reports, visualizations, and data dashboards in a matter of minutes, facilitating documentation and reports management. Your team has the flexibility to work on projects of any complexity and scope and migrate between projects freely.

Irrespective of business size, when working on any project, you must be able to manage incoming documents and reports. For example, you must know where you are in the project, who is responsible for what, when all documents are due, who has evaluated them, etc.


Monday 14 November 2022

How Do I Become a PRINCE2 Practitioner?

PRINCE2 Practitioner, Prince2 Career, Prince2 Skills, Prince2 Jobs, Prince2 Prep, Prince2 Preparation, Prince2 Tutorial and Materials

PRojects IN Controlled Environments is one of project management’s most widely recognized certifications. The PRINCE2 Practitioner is an advanced certificate of the PRINCE2 project management methodology and provides an advanced degree of comprehension of the project management methodology. This internationally recognized certification demonstrates that you have the knowledge, skills, and capacities to apply the PRINCE2 technique to various project types.

Moreover, the Practitioner level expands on the knowledge obtained at the Foundation level and aids in the development of practical project management abilities.

Now let’s examine the PRINCE2 Practitioner Preparation Guide!

About PRINCE2 Practitioner

The PRINCE2 Practitioner certification test aims to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge and comprehension of implementing and adapting the method in various project environments and circumstances. After certification, you can anticipate being allocated to leadership positions, such as project manager or team leader. Therefore, you must pass the PRINCE2 Foundation test before attempting the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam.

The PRINCE2 Practitioner certification teaches you how to apply PRINCE2 to the administration and management of a project in an environment that arranged PRINCE2. Once certified, you can adapt and customize PRINCE2 to fit the needs and challenges of a particular project scenario. In addition, you will have a thorough understanding of the relationships between the PRINCE2 principles, themes, and processes and the PRINCE2 products, as well as a thorough understanding of these elements.

Target Audience

PRINCE2 Practitioner certification is appropriate for all project managers. It could be a component of a formal project management job or a daily duty of a position that involves project management. In addition, the Practitioner certification aims to verify that the candidate has adequate knowledge and comprehension of the approach to implement and adapt it in various project situations and circumstances.

◉This qualification is for project managers, prospective project managers, and anyone interested in project management
◉ Board Members of the Project (e.g., Senior Responsible Owners)
◉ Team captains (e.g., Product Delivery Managers)
◉ Affirmation of the Project (e.g., Business Change Analysts)
◉ Contribute to a Project (e.g., Project and Programme Office personnel)

What Qualifications Are Necessary to Become a Prince2 Practitioner?

To sit for the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam, you must have passed one of the following prerequisite exams:

◉ Foundation for PRINCE2
◉ Project Management Professional (PMP)
◉ Associate in Project Management Certification (CAPM)
◉ Level A of the IPMA (Certified Projects Director)
◉ Furthermore, Level B of the IPMA (Certified Senior Project Manager)
◉ Level C of the IPMA (Certified Project Manager)
◉ Also, Level D IPMA (Certified Project Management Associate)

How Much Time Does It Take to Be a Prince2® 6th Edition Practitioner?

Like the Foundation course, the PRINCE2 Practitioner course is typically completed in two to three days if students choose the full-time classroom option.

While working full-time, it normally takes students three months to complete the PRINCE2 Practitioner certification using online and virtual learning methods. However, you may accomplish PRINCE2 online exactly as rapidly as in a classroom if you devote your entire day to studying.

Steps to Becoming a Prince2 Practitioner

The PRINCE2 Practitioner examination is a professional examination designed to test candidates’ comprehensive understanding of project management. Moreover, this examination will evaluate your knowledge of PRINCE2 project management principles, themes, and methods. So let’s start with preparing for passing the examination.

Step 1 – Know the Exam Syllabus in Depth 

1. Tab Your Manual

The PRINCE2 Practitioner exam:- an open book examination – you can reference your tabbed, annotated, and highlighted textbook but no additional notes. Remember that you should reference your handbook, not read it during the exam. With eight questions (each with multiple parts) in two and a half hours, you cannot afford to waste time casually browsing the text for answers. However, you will know where to go if you need to check something in the text (thus, the tabs).

Avoid tabbing everything and anything, lest you end up with a book tab at the top, sides, and bottom! At least be able to reference:

◉ Appendix A – Administration Products
◉ The 7 Themes
◉ The 7 Processes
◉ Appendix C — Roles

Getting to these areas fast will allow you to navigate the text and verify minor details!

2. Complete the Practice Questions

As with any examination, PRINCE2 demands the candidate to have a firm grasp of the subject matter and syllabus. The purpose of the practice questions is to let you practice applying PRINCE2 to a situation. Practitioner requires not only knowledge of PRINCE2’s foundational theory, but also an understanding of how to apply and adapt it to different situations. Be cautious when applying PRINCE2 to a particular case study; determine what falls inside the project’s or stage’s scope and what does not; otherwise, you may provide an inaccurate response.

3. Time Management Throughout the Exam

Consider that your objective is to satisfactorily finish all eight questions, including all parts, in 2.5 hours, totaling 80 line items. Consider applying the 15-minute rule to a question; this will give you a total of 25 minutes, which is often enough time to review the additional information or spend a few more moments on the challenging section C question. Moreover, passing candidates frequently tackle ALL questions; don’t just focus on your favorite topics.

4. Read the Question, Then the Answers, and Then Respond to the Question

PRINCE2 is a methodology that needs to be utilized appropriately given the circumstances – avoid any absolute responses (unless it is a negative question), and select answers that can be regarded as generally/typically. Remember the exam strategy of the process of elimination; you should be able to discard the “non-PRINCE2” solutions and focus on finding the best PRINCE2 answer(s) for the given situation.

5. Recall That This Is a Prince2 Exam

The answer is according to PRINCE2 rather than your present workplace project management methodology. While you may be doing project management outside the test room, what you do is not always the PRINCE2 way. Therefore, remember that for a REASON to be valid in an assertion/reason inquiry, it must be a PRINCE2 reason and not a common sense reason.

Give yourself the best opportunity to succeed.

Consider carefully enrolling in one of the PRINCE2 Practitioner courses. There is no better way to ensure that you have covered and comprehended all the necessary content than to take practice exams.

Step 2: Understand the Exam Format

The candidate should also be sufficient knowledge about the examination’s principles. The nature of the PRINCE2 Practitioner Exam Questions is multiple-choice and multiple-response. The candidate must earn at least 55 percent to pass the exam. Additionally, the candidate will be given 150 minutes to finish the examination. The validity of the PRINCE 2 Practitioner certification is three years. In addition, the cost of PRINCE2 Practitioner certification is $300.

Step 3: Compile all additional pertinent exam information

When you take this examination, you should be aware of the following policies:

Scoring Process

To pass the PRINCE2 practitioner examination, a candidate must earn at least 55 percent. It indicates that the candidate must have answered 38 out of 68 questions correctly. However, a score above 55% is always appreciated and will increase your self-assurance. In addition, it summarizes all exam content for the PRINCE2 practitioner examination. So, let’s continue and study the PRINCE2 practitioner exam procedure.

PRINCE2 Practitioner Results

Candidates taking web-based examinations can access their exam results immediately following completion.

Keep Practitioner Status

Remember that there is no expiring date for the PRINCE2 foundation exam. In contrast, PRINCE2 practitioner certification is only valid for three years. So, it means that candidates must maintain their practitioner status by passing the exam.

Step 4: Consult the Top Resources

Diverse resources possess unique sets of knowledge and comprehension. However, in academic life, one should perform revisions on a case-by-case basis. Consequently, it is crucial to match the type of revision you perform on your source material with the sort of revision you perform on your draught.

White Pages and Blogs from AXELOS

AXELOS delivers official whitepapers, blogs, case studies, and webinars to help you acquire the PRINCE2 Practitioner Certification. These are the most essential and trusted resources for preparing for the PRINCE2 Practitioner Practice Exam. In addition, these materials will provide good knowledge and comprehension of the numerous PRINCE2 Practitioner Practice Exam subjects. The candidate should thus try with these resources.

Training Program

AXELOS offers a formal training program for each exam. Therefore, the candidate may register with AXELOS and enroll in the training program. The PRINCE2 Practitioner Training Manual will equip you with the understanding, knowledge, and abilities essential to pass the examination. In addition, there is a multitude of different websites on the Internet that offer these training programs; the candidate may choose whichever one they like.


The following step is to collect some books. The candidate should utilize the PRINCE2 Practitioner Exam Books to achieve a comprehensive mastery of the exam concepts. To assist you with your work, we have compiled the following list of books:

◉ The Stationary Office’s 2017 edition of Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2
◉ David Hinde’s PRINCE2 Study Guide: 2017 Update, 2nd Edition
◉ Colin Bentley’s The PRINCE2 Practitioner: From Practitioner to Professional is in its third Edition

PRINCE2 Practitioner Practice Exam is the most valuable resource in the study guide. Once the candidate feels suitably prepared, they may take the practice exam. Therefore, the candidate will be able to discover their weak areas and work on them with the help of the practice test.
