Saturday 11 June 2022

Planning to Take the TOGAF 9 Certification? Here Are the Best Tips

A TOGAF 9 certification is a feather in the cap for any IT professional and may help them improve their career prospects.

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The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a framework that provides enterprises with a high-level approach to designing, planning, implementing, and maintaining their IT architecture. It was developed by The Open Group in 1995 and is used by leading IT organizations to improve their business efficiency.

What Is TOGAF 9 Certification?

TOGAF 9 is an industry-standard framework and methodology for enterprise architecture, including business architecture, IT architecture, and security architecture. TOGAF 9 Certification demonstrates that you know the TOGAF standard and can apply the TOGAF standard to developing and using your enterprise architecture.

TOGAF 9 certification needs passing a two-part exam. Anyone can take these TOGAF 9 certification exams, and no pre-requisites are required. You have to pass both exams to obtain your TOGAF 9 certification.

What to Expect in the TOGAF 9 Exams?

The TOGAF 9 exams consist of two parts. You will take both of these exams electronically, much like other graduate and professional certification exams.

TOGAF 9 Foundation Exam:

The TOGAF 9 Foundation Level - 1 part 1 asks 40 questions to be completed within 60 minutes. These questions are multiple-choice; you have to answer 55% correctly to pass.

The TOGAF 9 Foundation exam tests your knowledge of the wording and basic concepts of TOGAF 9. Enterprise architects who pass this exam show that they comprehend the core concepts of the TOGAF standard and its application to enterprise architecture.

Preparing for a TOGAF 9 Foundation Question:

TOGAF 9 Foundation questions are knowledge-based, and the exam covers almost all of the TOGAF Standard. Most students find the Foundation exam more difficult because of the detailed knowledge and the scope.

Once you comprehend the TOGAF 9 standard, look at the exam precisely like an introductory college exam. Only the course material is relevant. Keep the exam structure in mind. There will always be:

  • Best Answer
  • Dead Wrong Answer
  • Distracting Answer

Consider the answers to remove distractors and wrong answers. Then select the best.

Tag any question you are uncertain of in the Pearson Vue software and come back to the question.

TOGAF 9 Certified Exam:

TOGAF 9 Certified Level 2 Part 2 asks 8 complex scenario questions to be completed within 90 minutes.

According to The Open Group, Level 2 goes beyond testing basic knowledge and understanding of TOGAF 9. It is created to test candidates' ability to analyze and apply knowledge of the TOGAF standard.

Both TOGAF 9 exams test your capacity to apply your knowledge of the TOGAF 9 documentation. Level 2 asks about the best method to use TOGAF in specific scenarios.

Preparing for a TOGAF 9 Certified Question:

TOGAF 9 Certified questions are application-based, and the exam is almost exclusively focused on developing and using enterprise architecture. Most students find the TOGAF 9 Certified exam easier.

Approach the exam the same manner you would like any exam. Take advantage of the fact that you can pass TOGAF Certified with the best or second-best answer.

Every TOGAF Certified question has a scenario that presents some background to what the architect is doing. Then there will be a question, which will always concentrate on something in the method.

Only the question is appropriate. Keep the exam structure in mind. There will always be:

  • Best Answer
  • Second Best Answer
  • Poor Answer
  • Dead Wrong Answer

Assess the answers to clear poor and wrong answers.

Tag any question you are unsure of in the Pearson Vue software and come back to the question.

How to Prepare for the TOGAF 9 Certification Exam?

The best way to prepare for your TOGAF 9 certification is to take the TOGAF 9 training and get the tools you need to achieve the exam on your first try. All Open Group accredited courses will include the cost of the exams themselves.

It would be best if you raised your exam preparations by studying. Good training courses should include the TOGAF 9 Study Guide, and the Study Guide consists of the official practice exams. We strongly suggest using the TOGAF 9 practice exams as a diagnostic.

You review everything you are having trouble with by connecting on-demand video-based TOGAF 9 training and the practice exam diagnostic lets.

TOGAF 9 Certification Benefits

The world’s leading enterprises use TOGAF 9 certification to ensure you know a standard body of core knowledge about enterprise architecture. TOGAF 9 certification shows your commitment to enterprise architecture as a profession to employers and peers.

Completing your TOGAF 9 certification aids ensure that you and your business comply with IT architecture industry standards.

IT architecture is overgrowing as digital transformation and new technology are developed. Achieving your certification in TOGAF 9 can show that you are using the highest level approach.

To Summing Up

Getting your TOGAF 9 certification can be straightforward, supplied you understand what to expect. TOGAF 9 certification can also be helpful to your career as an Enterprise Architect. These TOGAF 9 certifications ensure that you are prepared for both levels of the TOGAF 9 exam and make your certification on the first try.

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