Friday, 27 November 2020

Six Sigma for Small- and Medium-sized Businesses

One of the more familiar dilemmas in business today is how to implement Six Sigma in small and medium-sized companies. This is a serious issue because larger companies are beginning to mandate Six Sigma to their supply base as a condition of doing future business. The problem arises...

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

A Roadmap for Making Business Strategy Actionable

European businesses are often faced with the challenge of deploying centrally developed business strategies in a uniform manner, while at the same time accommodating local customer, market and regulatory differences. It is risky to assume that interpretations and adjustments across diverse European business geographies will simply happen. Likewise,...

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

How to meet seemingly impossible project deadlines

It is reported that only around half of all projects come in on time. Seemingly impossible deadlines are the downfall of many projects, and late delivery is reported to be the reason why projects fail to an extent 49 percent of the time.So, what action can we take...

Friday, 20 November 2020

Quick Wins Can Successfully Launch Operational Excellence in Healthcare

From January 2012 to September of 2016, there was a minimally formal quality improvement and assessment program (QAPI) within the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Attempts had been made to grow the program, but success was limited, as assessed by broader metrics of process improvement projects,...

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Go Ahead in Your Career with A Six Sigma Certification

The Six Sigma ProcessIn most straightforward terms, the Six Sigma process is a quality control program. When it was developed, its goal was to reduce manufacturing defects and improve cycle time. Over the past several decades, the plan was used to address a broader range of general business...

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Best Practices for Process Maps at California High-Speed Rail Authority

The California High-Speed Rail Authority is working to build a true high-speed rail system – something that has never been done in the United States. For any new endeavor, knowing your business processes is critical, and the Authority generally depends on process maps to understand who does what...

Saturday, 14 November 2020

5S as a Tool for Gaining Buy-in

During my experience as a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) practitioner, I have found that it is very important to grab the attention and the interest of participants as quickly as possible. For any Lean program to succeed, participants must immediately identify with and buy into the concepts, and...

Friday, 13 November 2020

Managing Change to a Continuously Improving Culture

When evolving a culture of continuous process improvement using associated methodologies such as Six Sigma or Lean, the ultimate goal is to improve business performance. An important factor is changing the underlying culture of an organization. It is important to define culture in terms of the organization, and...

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