Wednesday, 30 March 2022

ITSM Misinformation and the (ITSM) Walking Dead

Recently the question again arose, in the Back2ITSM Facebook group, as to whether “zombie ITSM” is a thing. My emphatic response was, “Oh yeah, it’s a thing”. The viral effects of misinformation about IT service management (ITSM) that rot the brains of those that accept “guidance” from those...

Friday, 25 March 2022

Program Manager Vs Project Manager

In this blog post, we will explore the role of a project manager and a program manager and how they differ.However, before discussing the roles of these two titles, let’s understand projects and programs.According to the PMBOK Guide, a project is a temporary endeavor to create a unique...

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Does APICS CPIM Certification Help Build Your Manufacturing Career Skills?

Many professionals believe that companies value the APICS CPIM certification because it delivers a third-party guarantee that their knowledge and skills extend past on-the-job experience and college education. As a result, thousands of supply chain and processes professionals across the country are enrolling in courses to follow APICS...

Monday, 21 March 2022

Architectural Data will Guide the 2020s

What technical and financial analytics should CIOs and decision makers expect from Enterprise Architects in 2022?Enterprises are in the middle of an application explosion and a transformation acceleration.Looking just at the application landscape: industry surveys tell us that the average enterprise is using 1,295 cloud services, and also...

Friday, 18 March 2022


How far should your organization take service level agreements in a service integration and management world, i.e. what’s the need for SLAs in SIAM? SIAM is when an organization adopts a multi-vendor sourcing approach to IT services. This approach requires the creation of a new service management function...

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

It is okay to fail! (And other lessons your project team must learn)

To be successful, it is paramount that project professionals know what failure looks and feels like. Only through our failures can we learn important lessons for the future, and discover how to truly appreciate success. And so, as leaders, we must teach our project staff the important truth...

Friday, 11 March 2022

Difference between Project Management and Service Management

1. Project Management :Project management, as name suggest, is simply management that ensures that all projects within organization are executed in most effective manner and are delivered on time.2. Service Management :Service management, as name suggests, is simply management that is customer-focused and helps in increasing and maximizing...

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Five reasons why PRINCE2 is a fantastic qualification to have

PRINCE2 – a qualification fit for royalty.Devised in the 1990s, this project management qualification has been helping people across the country ensure their projects keep on time and budget. Since it was created, over a million people have become PRINCE2 certified.If you haven’t studied PRINCE2, you may be...

Monday, 7 March 2022

Difference between Project Management and Channel Management

1. Project Management :Project management, as name suggest, is simply management that involves processes, methods, skills, understanding, and experience to achieve desired objective of project and meet project requirements.2. Channel Management :Channel management, as name suggests, is simply management that focuses on handling various streams that are employed...

Friday, 4 March 2022

Better project planning in 5 simple steps

Planning is one of the most valuable stages in the PRINCE2 methodology. Initiating a project carries a lot of responsibilities. Planning can be both challenging and time-consuming as it comprises numerous activities. It involves preparing and refining your approach for everything from risk to communications, quality methods to...

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