Friday, 29 January 2021

Combining Six Sigma and CMMI Can Accelerate Improvements

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a framework for business process improvement. Like any model, CMMI reflects one version of reality, and like most models, it may be more idealistic than realistic in some ways. Organizations can use the model as a jumping off point to create process...

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

The trends we are carrying forward for an improved future

As we head into a new year there are many reasons to feel optimistic. The trends which have defined 2020 can be carried forward and, despite the doom and gloom, there is so much to emerge from the pandemic which we celebrate and take pride in. By continuing...

Monday, 25 January 2021

Using DMAIC to Improve Another Improvement Process – CAPA

Six Sigma and its DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology provide a structured process for solving problems and improving processes. For this project, our team used DMAIC to improve a problem-solving process used in the medical industry – the CAPA process.Medical device companies are required to demonstrate...

Friday, 22 January 2021

How to Avoid The Evils Within Customer Satisfaction Surveys

When the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for the second time in 1999, companies across many industries began trying to achieve the same level of outstanding customer satisfaction. This was a good thing, of course, as CEOs and executives began incorporating customer satisfaction...

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Improving Help Desk Functions by Using Lean Six Sigma

Help desks often face a barrage of complaints when voice of the customer (VOC) data is collected. These typically include:◉ “I had to describe the problem to more than one person before it was solved.”◉ “I had to describe the problem to more than one person, and each...

Monday, 18 January 2021

Making SCOR Model More Effective with Lean Six Sigma

Many Six Sigma practitioners have asked how the Supply-Chain Operations Reference model, or SCOR®, relate to Six Sigma and Lean. However, perhaps a more relevant question should be, “How can Six Sigma and Lean make a SCOR model more effective?”SCOR, a trademark of the Supply-Chain Council, consists of...

Friday, 15 January 2021

Managing for Continuous and Breakthrough Improvement

As a set of state-of-the-art tools for solving operations problems, Six Sigma can be used for both continuous and breakthrough improvement. What separates the two is the structure by which they are managed. When managers confuse the two types, the result is usually below-par performance. Even worse, such...

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