Friday, 30 August 2019

What is ITIL & Why ITIL Important For You - With All Insights

Lets Start with Introduction to ITIL ITIL stands for IT Infrastructure Library Initiated by UK Government - the CCTA now OGC ◈ (CCTA – Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency) ◈ (OGC – Office of Government Commerce) Major contributors ◈ The private sector - Inputs are taken from various...

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Use a Modified FMEA to Mitigate Project Risks

Every project faces a number of elements that risk its success. For instance, a lack of team-member availability, qualified resources, customer information, data, proven technologies, a clear scope – or deficiencies in a number of these areas – represents a risk. To prevent risks like these from happening,...

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

The Difference Between a Project and a Programme

Many believe a programme is simply a larger, longer version of a project. Despite the similarities, they are actually quite different. Briefly, a project is a specific, single task that delivers a tangible output, while a programme is a collection of related projects. Definition of a project PRINCE2...

Friday, 23 August 2019

Build a Visual Dashboard in 10 Steps

Three years into the Lean Six Sigma deployment at Ball Corporation (the company known for its glass canning jars), the process improvement team began a visual factory initiative. This initiative was intended to develop visual signs on plant floors that not only instruct employees about where to focus...

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Defect Prevention: Reducing Costs and Enhancing Quality

“Prevention is better than cure” applies to defects in the software development life cycle as well as illnesses in medical science. Defects, as defined by software developers, are variances from a desired attribute. These attributes include complete and correct requirements and specifications as drawn from the desires of...

Monday, 19 August 2019

Case Study: DMAIC Project Improves Hospital's On-time Completion of Administrative Tasks

After graduating from medical school, the majority of medical students enter a medical residency program where a significant amount of clinical training occurs. Medical residencies provide a significant value add for the resident as well as teaching hospitals that host the residency programs. During residency, residents are increasingly...

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