Monday, 29 April 2019

Integrating Lean and Six Sigma

Both the Lean and the Six Sigma methodologies have proven over the last twenty years that it is possible to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, and time by focusing on process performance. Whereas Six Sigma is focused on reducing variation and improving process yield by following a...

Saturday, 27 April 2019

Introducing SixSigma3.0

It is a time of change. The world is developing faster with each passing day. Continuous process improvement technologies, which could make these changes more significant and effective, trail far behind this trend. Who suffers? Companies that lose competition, people who cannot find a new place in the...

Friday, 26 April 2019

Understanding Statistical Distributions for Six Sigma

Many consultants remember the hypothesis testing roadmap, which was a great template for deciding what type of test to perform. However, think about the type of data one gets. What if there is only summarized data? How can that data be used to make conclusions? Having the raw...

Thursday, 25 April 2019

How to Move Through a Project Manager Career Path

Being a project manager can be highly rewarding, with the opportunity to work in different business sectors, such as IT, construction, engineering and retail. There is plenty of job variation, interaction with people, working with new technologies, improving your skills and opportunities to train and further your career....

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Climbing up the Project Management Career Ladder

Project Management is a wide-ranging field of work with many different roles. As with most careers, the higher salaries come with progression and advancement. This can seem challenging when it comes to project management as there are numerous different methodologies used, which makes it difficult to know which...

Monday, 22 April 2019

Creating a Fresh View of Six Sigma Data and Tools

Six Sigma DMAIC and DFSS roadmaps provide the guidance needed for using facts and data to understand problems, opportunities and solutions to get results in a wide variety of project settings. For the routine cases, they give practitioners what they need. There are some situations, though, that can...

Friday, 19 April 2019

Specification Limits: Proceed with Caution

It’s natural for a manufacturing group to be concerned with a product’s specification limits – the upper and lower limits imposed on the process. Specification limits are sometimes designated by the producer, definitions of quality or, most frequently, a customer, in an attempt to narrow the distribution of...

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

How To Turn Process Data Into Information

A repeated series of actions and variables is a process. A collection of processes is a system. Virtually perfect Six Sigma quality results from an optimal interaction of all the variables in a given system. Process and system questions we all face at work include: Which variables are...

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