Information is not readily found at a bargain price. Gathering it is costly in terms of salaries, expenses and time. Taking samples of information can help ease these costs because it is often impractical to collect all the data. Sound conclusions can often be drawn from a relatively...
Saturday, 30 March 2019
Friday, 29 March 2019
Implementation of Six Sigma Priority Matrixes and a Tollgate Process
Working for a large multinational corporation has given me insight into, and sympathy for, the hearts and minds of department and cost center leaders. Each year they are required by company leadership to find millions of dollars using Six Sigma productivity initiatives – a subtle way of saying...
Thursday, 28 March 2019
Understanding Process Variation
It is well established that there exist eight dimensions of quality: 1. Conformance 2. Performance 3. Features 4. Reliability 5. Durability 6. Serviceability 7. Aesthetics 8. Perceived quality Each dimension can be explicitly defined and is self-exclusive from the other dimensions of quality. A customer may rate your...
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
3 Benefits of Implementing ITSM via ITIL
While Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) is prevalent in larger organizations, other organizations are still looking at implementing ITSM and haven’t taken the plunge yet. Chances are good some of those same shops have created their own do-it-yourself (DIY) service delivery models over the years, and they don’t...
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Ideas for Using Lean Six Sigma in the Marine Corps
The U.S. Marine Corps’ continuous process improvement (CPI) effort is aimed at enhancing all aspects of support provided to operating forces to maximize combat readiness and war fighting capability. That means the Marine Corps is emphasizing that the CPI program is for every level and every element of...
Monday, 25 March 2019
PRINCE2 Methodology & Advantages
Projects IN Controlled Environments or known as PRINCE2, is a methodology in project management. Which is applicable to all types of projects. It is evolved from an earlier method called Project Resource Organisation Management Planning Techniques or known as PROMPT II. In 1989 the Central Computer and Telecommunications...
Saturday, 23 March 2019
Improving Personal Health Using Data and Six Sigma
Four times a year, I donate blood at a local blood bank and receive readings on my cholesterol, blood pressure and pulse. Although donating blood does not improve a person’s health, the regular readings of the vital signs, along with analysis and actions stemming from this data, can...
Friday, 22 March 2019
Leveraging Lean Six Sigma Tools for Strategic Planning
The Northern Regional Medical Command (NRMC) Office of the Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) is a team of high caliber military and civilian leaders tasked with deploying and supporting the use of information technology across 33 hospitals and clinics up and down the Eastern seaboard and extending as...
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Proper Data Granularity Allows for Stronger Analysis
Can we trust the data? This is the fundamental question behind measurement system analysis (MSA). The question can come up in any data-based project. Shortcomings in a measurement system’s accuracy (bias, linearity, stability or correlation) and precision (resolution, repeatability or reproducibility) can obstruct analysis purposes. One often-overlooked aspect...
Monday, 18 March 2019
Key Differentiator for Six Sigma: Its Infrastructure
Some detractors of Six Sigma have said that it just borrowed tools and techniques from earlier improvement systems – chiefly total quality management (TQM) – and repackaged and marketed it under a different name. While true, there is one reason why Six Sigma is different from its predecessors...
Friday, 15 March 2019
Project Management vs General Management
The differences between project management and general management are actually not very distinct. However, a few differences between the two set the two apart, giving them each a unique definition. What is Project Management? Project management is comprised of organizing, planning, motivating, and controlling procedures, resources and protocols...
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Hypothesis Testing: Fear No More
When analyzing data as part of a Lean Six Sigma project, some Belts can become confused to the point of fear when their coach tells them they need to perform a hypothesis test. This fear often comes from two sources: 1) the selection of the appropriate hypothesis test...