Saturday, 30 December 2017

PRINCE2 Project Management Responsibilities

The PRINCE2 Project Manager will follow the PRINCE2 methodology very closely in order to ensure that the project remains truly PRINCE2, but also to give the project the best possible chance at being successful. From the very start of the project right up to the project’s closure, the...

Thursday, 28 December 2017

5 Suggestions for an OpEX Practitioner in a Digital World

The Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt and Black Belt curriculum needs an overhaul. The original operational excellence (OpEx) Lean Six Sigma methodology developed by Motorola in the 1980s and made famous by Jack Welch at General Electric (GE) in the early 1990s is finding itself a bit...

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Should I study PRINCE2 or CAPM?

It is a commonly asked question among those that have little to no experience who are only just beginning their project management career: Should I study PRINCE2 or CAPM? Both the PRINCE2 Foundation and CAPM certifications are aimed at helping you start your career, laying a solid base...

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Comparing PRINCE2 and PMP

The battle between project management methods will never end as each project manager and project management professional has their own personal preference and reasons for their choice of methodology. However, it must be said that it is entirely possible for different project management methods to be used in...

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

The 6 Most Effective Project Management Methodologies

There are many project management methodologies to choose from when deciding on which certification will best suit your career as a Project Manager. Each methodology has it’s supporters and, of course, it’s detractors but the key lies in finding the methodology that best works for you and the...

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Understanding the 7 Principles of PRINCE2

Anyone familiar with the PRINCE2 project management methodology will know that it uses 7 Themes, 7 Processes and 7 Principles to ensure the project remains truly PRINCE2 and that best practice is used throughout. Uderstanding the 7 Principles of PRINCE2 is vital as their implementation could mean the...

Monday, 11 December 2017

The Seven PRINCE2 Themes Defined

The PRINCE2 project management method contains 7 PRINCE2 Principles, 7 PRINCE2 Processes and 7 PRINCE2 Themes. The Seven PRINCE2 Themes are integrated into the 7 PRINCE2 Processes and this is a notable strength of the PRINCE2 method. The PRINCE2 Themes offer a thematic approach to the project whilst...

Friday, 8 December 2017

The PRINCE2 Processes Explained

The PRINCE2 project management methodology breaks projects down into staged which are then each managed as an entity on their own. This ensures that each stage can be monitored and controlled which provides the ability to resolve situations, risks and issues as soon as they arise. The goal...

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

The Advantages of the PRINCE2 Methodology

In the world of project management, one name stands head and shoulders above other project management methodologies – PRINCE2. It is a method that has been designed to give projects the greatest possible chance at being successful and has gained a massive following over the last decade. The...

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Project Based Organization: PMP Concepts to Learn

Whether you are far along in your preparation for the PMP exam or if you are just starting out, one concept you have likely run across is Project Based Organization, or PBOs. The reason I make this assumption is PBOs, as a topic, are typically covered within the...

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