Saturday, 29 April 2017

Efforts and Limitations in Creating Key Performance Indicators

If senior management teams were omnipotent then all decisions would be perfect, market share would increase, sales would spike, profitability would skyrocket and employee morale would be unparalleled. Unfortunately, the reality is that even the most sophisticated company rarely knows its financial position until the end of the...

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Deploying a Measurement System: What Does It Take?

Management concepts such as the balanced scorecard, process management, key performance indicators and strategy deployment have prompted many executives to revisit their measurement systems. As more and more companies have initiated Six Sigma during the last two decades, the use of dashboards to measure process and business performance...

Monday, 24 April 2017

Using Performance Boards Successfully in Services

Faced with stiffening competition, increasingly demanding customers, high labor costs, and, in some markets, slowing growth, service businesses around the world are trying to boost their productivity. Although manufacturing businesses can raise productivity levels by monitoring and reducing waste and variance in their relatively homogeneous production and distribution...

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

3 Keys to Project Success with PRINCE2

PMI’s most recent Pulse of the Profession report focused on the rising success rates of projects. They identified trends that wasted 20% less money than the previous year. Here, we detail some of these positive trends and tell you how to apply them to your own PRINCE2 projects....

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Multiprovider Management: SIAM Toolset

The service landscape has changed massively. With the increase in the digitalization of IT through increased use of automation and cloud services, a highly complex and highly fragmented system landscape has emerged, and there is also a growing number of external providers whose performance has to be coordinated....

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